Tuesday, January 8, 2013

If Nothing Changes, Nothing Changes

Many of us set goals but in order for them to be obtained we must change behavior and do something.  In order for us to make more money we may have to work harder or get another job or learn new skills.  In order for us to lose weight we must eat smaller amounts or change the food we eat or exercise more.  In order for our children to learn to read we must read to them often or have books easily assessable or play word games.  In order for your home to be a happier place you may need to change your attitude or adjust the tone in your voice or focus on positives and praise.  The point is….if nothing changes, nothing changes.  Talking about it is completely different from taking action.  If you don’t like something that is happening in your life in order for it to change YOU must take action and change behavior.

Mary Bartusek, Parent Educator

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