Tuesday, April 16, 2013

You Have to Name It to Tame It

Big feelings=big emotions.  At times children can get so upset and emotional that they don’t even know exactly what is happening to them.  They may feel out of control.  This happens to children often.  In order for children to be able to gain emotional composure they have to know what the feeling is behind the big emotion.  Once you have identified the feeling then you can get to the calming down piece. 

Mary Bartusek, Parent Educator

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


You have to stop at the grocery store and pick up a few items.  You want your 2 year old to just sit in the cart while you quickly grab your groceries.  How will this go?  What if you gave your child the list to hold onto or let your child walk and point to the items that you want and have them get it off the shelf for you or just point to the item and help you find it or engage your child in conversation about the items that you are getting at the grocery store.  “Oh we have to get some apples.  Which apples are your favorite?  What color are all the apples?”  When children are involved in an activity or they have some choices you will see a child cooperate.  If you get them to be an active participant in the task you will gain their cooperation.

Mary Bartusek, Parent Educator

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Fair Isn't Everyone Getting the Same Thing, Fair is Everyone Getting What They Need to be Succussful

Parents with one child often feel so guilty and torn when they bring home a new baby.  The baby requires lots of attention and has many needs that must be met.  Could you imagine adding up all the time spent caring for a newborn and then trying to give your other child or children that same amount of time so it is fair? 
Children have different needs.  One child may need more of your patience, understanding, and attention than another one depending on what is happening in their life. Imagine that you were teaching a group of children how to ride a bike.  Each child received 5 minutes of personal instruction.  Some of the kids got it.  Some of the kids did not but in order to be fair that is all the instruction you will give them. 
Does that make any sense?  It is important as parents to not get caught up in making things fair and equal for your children.  Giving kids what they need in order to be successful is the key.

Mary Bartusek, Parent Educator

Monday, April 1, 2013

5 Little Hotdogs

Here is a silly little fingerplay that gets a lot of laughs at ECFE and preschool!

Have a super week!
Miss Britt